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Stephen A. Douglas ), American politicianDownload nowEnlargeShow similar images

Title: Stephen A. Douglas ), American politician

Description: Stephen A. Douglas (Stephen Arnold Douglas; April 23, 1813-June 3, 1861), American politician who was the Democratic party nominee for President in 1860 but lost to Abraham Lincoln

Study Application Notes: Abraham Lincoln ("Honest Abe," "The Rail Splitter," "The Great Emancipator"), born February 25, 1809 in a log cabin in Hardin County, Kentucky, died April 15, 1865 in Washington, D.C.; sixteenth President of the U.S. (1861-1865); Lincoln was self-taught, moving at age twenty-two to Illinois in 1831, working on a flatboat, then later as a rail-splitter and store clerk, until moving to Springfield, Illinois to work as a lawyer in 1837; he served four terms as a state representative from Sangamon County, Illinois as a Whig; he married Mary Todd (Mary Anne Todd; December 13, 1818-July 16, 1882) in 1842, a union that produced four sons: Robert Todd Lincoln (August 1, 1843-July 26, 1926); Edward "Eddie" Baker Lincoln (March 10, 1846-February 1, 1850); William "Willie" Wallace Lincoln (December 21, 1850-February 20, 1862); and Thomas "Tad" Lincoln (April 4, 1853-July 16, 1871);

Category: Political Figures

Topic: U.S. Presidents

Subject: Abraham Lincoln

Keywords: Abraham Lincoln Collection, abolitionists, American Civil War (1861-1865), anti-slavery, assassinations, attorney, debates, Emancipation Proclamation, Episcopal ministers, Gettysburg Address, Illinois, Illinois Legislators, Kentucky, lawyers, Lincoln's law associates, politicians, presidential debates, presidents of the U.S., rail-splitters, slavery, Springfield, Illinois, U.S. Congress, U.S. Presidents, U.S. Senate, Whig political party.

Orientation: Portrait

Dimensions: 1800 x 2379 (4.28 MPixels) (3:4)

Print Size: 15.2 x 20.1 cm; 6.0 x 7.9 inches

File Size: 12.28 MB (12,873,384 Bytes)

Resolution: 300 x 300 dpi

Color Depth: 16.7 million (24 BitsPerPixel)

Compression: None

Image Number: 0000530076

Source: Jay Robert Nash Collection

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