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Privacy Policy

JrnImages.com works hard to protect sensitive personal information and insure the security and integrity of all data collected during the normal course of conducting business. This disclosure outlines our policies with respect to collecting, storing, and making use of such information. If you are unsure of your privacy rights or have questions, please contact privacy@jrnimages.com.

General Information

JrnImages.com collects information about you when you register and/or purchase products, and information about your connection when you use our web site. The practices of History Inc/jrnimages.com (herein referred to as "jrnimages.com") with respect to personal information, are governed by this Privacy Policy and may be periodically amended. We encourage visitors to and users of the jrnimages.com site to regularly review our Privacy Policy. To update your information and preferences, see the section entitled "Updating Your Personal Information and Privacy Preferences"

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At no time do we share your email address with our partners or anyone else. jrnimages.com may collect information about the use of the Site, such as recording and tracking how many daily users we receive or the types of services used. This information is collected in aggregate form, without identifying any individual user. jrnimages.com may use this non-identifying aggregate statistical data for statistical analysis, marketing or for promotional purposes. If special Offers become available, they will be sent to you directly from jrnimages.com.

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Updating Your Personal Information And Privacy Preferences

You have the right to access and correct your personal information and privacy preferences at any time. With respect to Registration Information (as defined in the section entitled "Protecting Your Personal Information"), this may be accomplished by clicking on the link "MY ACCOUNT", where you can view and make changes to much of your personal information. For security purposes, certain personal information can only be changed by contacting jrnimages.com Customer Support by email.

"Personal information" is defined as any information that identifies or can be used to identify, contact or locate the person to whom such information pertains. All personal information that jrnimages.com collects and maintains is subject to this Privacy Policy, as periodically amended. jrnimages.com reserves the right to periodically change the Privacy Policy at its sole discretion and will provide notice of material changes on the home page of the Site. If, as the result of such changes, you want to alter the ways in which jrnimages.com is allowed to use your personal information, you can do so by following the procedures described herein. You will be deemed to have been made aware of, and will be subject to, the changes to the Privacy Policy after such notice has been posted with the following exception: If, at the time you provide personal information to jrnimages.com, you are given the opportunity (as you currently are) to limit how such information will be used to communicate with you, either by jrnimages.com or by third parties, jrnimages.com will not change your preference in this regard without your express consent. However, should jrnimages.com be acquired by or merged with another entity, jrnimages.com may provide to such entity customer information that is related to that part of jrnimages.com business that was sold to or merged with the other entity without your consent. jrnimages.com, however, will provide notice of any such asset sales, acquisitions or mergers on the jrnimages.com Site.

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In order to authenticate our users, reduce errors in our database, and prevent abuse of our system, we may periodically supplement the personal information you submit to us with information from third party sources. We may supplement, for instance, your Registration Information with address information provided by the U.S. Postal Service to qualify your information and prevent errors in our database. As permissible, we may also supplement the information you provide to us with demographic and other information stored in third-party databases in order to facilitate marketing communications we send that will be of pertinent interest to you.

Protecting Your Personal Information

The personal information you provide in connection with registering yourself as a jrnimages.com user and/or subscriber of any of the services on our Site is, for the purposes of this Privacy Policy, classified as Registration Information. Registration Information is protected by several ways. Access by the user to his or her Registration Information is available through a password and unique customer ID selected by the user. In addition, user Registration Information resides on a secure server to which only authorized jrnimages.com personnel and contractors have access. jrnimages.com singularly encrypts your personal information and therewith strives to prevent unauthorized parties from viewing or obtaining such information when it is transmitted to jrnimages.com.

The security of all users is of the utmost importance to jrnimages.com. When you enter sensitive information, such as a credit card number, it is encrypted using secure socket layer (SSL) technology. Every effort will be made to protect the personal information submitted to jrnimages.com, during transmission and once we receive it. However, no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. While jrnimages.com will provide the best efforts to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal information, jrnimages.com cannot guarantee its security absolutely. Should you have any questions about privacy security on our website, you can send email to us at privacy@jrnimages.com.

Personal information provided by users not constituting Registration Information is also housed on a secure server and is accessible only to authorized jrnimages.com personnel and contractors via password. Since this information is not accessible to users, they will not be asked to select a password in order to view or modify such information.

Entities Collecting Personal Information

Personal information is collected by History Inc, a Limited Liability Corporation, through the jrnimages.com web site. Address: P.O. Box 250, Wilmette, IL 60091, USA, telephone 888-896-2087.

Service Providers/Agents

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For Additional Information

If you have further questions about this privacy statement, the practices of the Site, or you dealings with jrnimages.com, please contact privacy@jrnimages.com.

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