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Storming of the Heights of Cerro GordoDownload nowEnlargeShow similar images

Title: Storming of the Heights of Cerro Gordo

Description: Storming of the Heights of Cerro Gordo;1847 lithograph of the battle of Cerro Gordo, Mexico, on April 18, 1847 during the Mexican-American War (1846-1848) in which U.S. troops are led by Colonel William S. Harney (William Selby Harney; August 22, 1800-May 9, 1889) of the Second Dragoons who plants the American flag atop the ridge while waving his troops forward with his cap; Harney was also a U.S. cavalry officer during the Indian Wars in the U.S.; in fierce hand-to-hand combat in the Battle of Cerro Gordo, U.S. soldiers swept through the mountain pass and Mexican Gen. Santa Anna (Antonio de Padua Maria Severino Lopez de Santa Anna y Perez de Lebron; February 21, 1794-June 21, 1876) and his troops fell back; U.S. casualties of the battle were 63 killed and 337 wounded, while Santa Anna lost 204 officers and 2,837 men by capture alone; the war was a U.S. and Mexican territorial dispute between the Nueces and Rio Grande Rivers that led to open war between the two countries on May 13, 1846; the war ended with U.S. troops in possession of California, the Southwest, northern Mexico, and central Mexico from Veracruz to Mexico City; in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Mexico ceded to the U.S. the territories of California and New Mexico and all the land up to the Rio Grande River, and also relinquished its claim to Texas; in return, the U.S. paid Mexico $15 million;

Category: Mexican-American War

Keywords: Battle of Cerro Gordo, Mexico, battles, cavalry, Cerro Gordo, Dragoons, Indian Wars, Mexico, Mexican War (1846-1848), Mexican-American War (1846-1848), Texas, Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, United States, U.S. flag, U.S.-Mexican War (1846-1848), 1840s.

Orientation: Landscape

Dimensions: 2100 x 1357 (2.85 MPixels) (1.55)

Print Size: 17.8 x 11.5 cm; 7.0 x 4.5 inches

File Size: 8.19 MB (8,584,284 Bytes)

Resolution: 300 x 300 dpi

Color Depth: 16.7 million (24 BitsPerPixel)

Compression: None

Image Number: 0000038512

Source: Jay Robert Nash Collection

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