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Bombarding the Confederate BastionDownload nowEnlargeShow similar images

Title: Bombarding the Confederate Bastion

Description: Union gunboats and mortar boats bombarding the Confederate bastion of Island No. 10 on April 4, 1862; with the help of siege guns and Federal gunboats on the river, Union army-navy forces in a joint operation besieged Island No. 10, where Rebel forces under the command of Brigadier General John P. McCown (John Porter McCown; August 19, 1815-January 22, 1879) and later Brigadier General William W. Mackall (William Whann Mackall; January 18, 1817-April 12, 1891) suffered continuous bombardment until retreating and then being blocked in their withdrawal by Union forces; Mackall surrendered a force of 4,500 men to Union Major General John Pope (March 16, 1822-September 23, 1892) on April 7, 1862; casualties on both sides were minimal, with the Federals losing twenty-three killed and fifty wounded and Confederates suffering about the same losses;

Category: American Civil War

Keywords: American Civil War, assaults, attacks, Battle of Island No. 10 (April 1862), barrages, bombardments, cannonades, Federal Navy, gunboats, mortar boats, mortars, salvos, shelling, Union Navy, U.S. Navy, War Against the South: War Between the States, War for the South, War for the Southern Confederacy, War for the Union, War of the Rebellion.

Orientation: Landscape

Dimensions: 2400 x 1395 (3.35 MPixels) (1.72)

Print Size: 20.3 x 11.8 cm; 8.0 x 4.7 inches

File Size: 9.60 MB (10,070,872 Bytes)

Resolution: 300 x 300 dpi

Color Depth: 16.7 million (24 BitsPerPixel)

Compression: None

Image Number: 0000260082

Source: Jay Robert Nash Collection

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