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Body of Union Colonel Edward D. BakerDownload nowEnlargeShow similar images

Title: Body of Union Colonel Edward D. Baker

Description: The body of Union Colonel Edward D. Baker (Edward Dickinson Baker; February 24, 1811-October 21, 1861), is carried from a cliff during the Battle of Ball's Bluff (October 21, 1861), where several Federal regiments under Baker's command, crossed the Potomac, scaled high cliffs and were met in open ground by several Confederate regiments led by General Nathan G. "Shanks" Evans (Nathan George Evans; February 3, 1824-November 23, 1868); Baker, a political general and close friend of President Abraham Lincoln (AKA: Great Emancipator; Honest Abe; Rail Splitter; February 12, 1809-April 15, 1865) had no real military experience and his inept leadership at this battle where he escalated a reconnaissance to a full scale battle without proper military intelligence of the enemy and sent his units forward in piecemeal attacks resulted in near annihilation of the Union forces; the Federal suffered more than 1,000 casualties in killed, wounded and captured where the Rebels suffered 155 casualties (36 killed; 117 wounded; two captured);

Category: American Civil War

Keywords: American Civil War, battlefields, battlegrounds, bayonets, bluffs, bodies, cliffs, corpses, Confederate soldiers, Confederate troops, Federal officers, Federal soldiers, Federal troops, Rebel soldiers, Rebel troops, rifles, swords, Union officers, Union soldiers, Union troops, War Against the South: War Between the States, War for the South, War for the Southern Confederacy, War for the Union, War of the Rebellion.

Orientation: Landscape

Dimensions: 2250 x 1549 (3.49 MPixels) (1.45)

Print Size: 19.0 x 13.1 cm; 7.5 x 5.2 inches

File Size: 10.00 MB (10,484,120 Bytes)

Resolution: 300 x 300 dpi

Color Depth: 16.7 million (24 BitsPerPixel)

Compression: None

Image Number: 0000259977

Source: Jay Robert Nash Collection

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