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Stanley FaithfullDownload nowEnlargeShow similar images

Title: Stanley Faithfull

Description: Stanley Faithfull, the stepfather of Starr Faithfull (Starr Wyman, 1906-1931), who reported her missing three days before she was found dead on a Long Island, New York, beach, on June 8, 1931; a beautiful, high-living and tragic flapper, Faithfull's mysterious 1931 death was viewed as a murder; an autopsy revealed that she had died from drowning; her strange fate was never determined, but it was believed that she either committed suicide by leaping into the ocean or was pushed off a ship in New York Harbor; a second autopsy revealed bruises about her neck and head that may have been caused in a struggle with an unknown lover, who drowned her, according to one theory; the death of this twenty-five-year-old girl remains unsolved to this day; Starr Faithfull was the role model for the character portrayed by Elizabeth Taylor in the 1960 film, Butterfield 8.

Category: Crime

Keywords: crime, criminal justice, criminology, law enforcement, missing persons, unsolved crimes

Orientation: Vertical

Dimensions: 945 x 1990 (1.88 MPixels) (2.11)

Print Size: 8.0 x 16.8 cm; 3.1 x 6.6 inches

File Size: 5.39 MB (5,649,836 Bytes)

Resolution: 300 x 300 dpi

Color Depth: 16.7 million (24 BitsPerPixel)

Compression: None

Image Number: 0000001736

Source: Jay Robert Nash Collection

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