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Heinrich HimmlerDownload nowEnlargeShow similar images

Title: Heinrich Himmler

Description: Heinrich Himmler (Heinrich Luitpold Himmler; October 7, 1900-May 23, 1945), right, head of the dreaded Nazi SS Police, including the Gestapo, and in charge of concentration camps; seated with Vidkun Quisling (Vidkun Abraham Lauritz Jonsson Quisling; July 18, 1887-October 24, 1945), left, leader of the Norwegian Nazis and Minister-President of the collaborationist Norwegian government; at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials after World War II, Quisling was found guilty of high treason and later executed by firing squad; in Norway and throughout the world to this day, the name Quisling is synonymous with traitor; Himmler was profiled in many films and TV programs, but most notably by Wedgwood Nowell in the 1943 film Nazty Nuisance; by Howard Freeman in the 1943 film Hitler's Madman (AKA: Hitler's Hangman); by Frederick Giermann in the 1943 film The Strange Death of Adolf Hitler; by Luis Van Rooten in the 1944 film The Hitler Gang; by Eric Zuckman in the 1951 film The Magic Face; by Eric Zuckman again in the 1960 film Wernher von Braun; by Luis Van Rooten again the 1961 film Operation Eichmann; by Rick Traeger in the 1962 film Hitler; by Donald Pleasence in the 1976 film The Eagle Has Landed; by Ronald Lacey in the 1989 film Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; and by Matthias Freihof in the 2008 film Valkyrie;

Category: World War II

Topic: Germany

Keywords: collaborationists, concentration camps, executions, firing squads, Black Shirts, Gestapo, Holocaust, invasion of Norway, Jewish persecutions, Jews, persecution of Jews, Norway, Norwegian Campaign, Nuremberg War Crimes Trials, Quislings, Second World War, SS Police, Third Reich, traitors, treason, World War II, WWII, 1940s.

Orientation: Landscape

Dimensions: 2325 x 1535 (3.57 MPixels) (1.51)

Print Size: 19.7 x 13.0 cm; 7.8 x 5.1 inches

File Size: 10.24 MB (10,741,648 Bytes)

Resolution: 300 x 300 dpi

Color Depth: 16.7 million (24 BitsPerPixel)

Compression: None

Image Number: 0000011237

Source: Jay Robert Nash Collection

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