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Adolf Hitler Rudolf Hess Franz Pfeffer von SalomonDownload nowEnlargeShow similar images

Title: Adolf Hitler Rudolf Hess Franz Pfeffer von Salomon

Description: Adolf Hitler (April 20, 1889-April 30, 1945), Chancellor of Germany; he is shown reviewing a parade of Nazi Party faithful at a Nazi rally in Nuremberg, Germany in 1927; pictured with Rudolf Hess (April 26, 1894-August 17, 1987), Hitler's first-ranking secretary (behind, under Hitler's upraised right arm); and Franz Pfeffer von (February 19, 1888-April 12, 1968), first head of the SA (Sturmabteiling or "Storm detachment," "Assault detachment," or "Assault section;" SA members were called "storm troopers;" the SA was a paramilitary organization of the Nazi Party that played an important role in Hitler's rise to power in the 1920s and 1930s; Salomon later lost favor with Hitler who removed him from his post; SA men were called Brown Shirts, for the color of their uniforms; the SA was superseded by the SS (Schutzstaffel or "Protective Echelon") in a bloody purge by Hitler, fearing their power and independence, that was called "The Night of the Long Knives" or "Operation Hummingbird," June 20, 1934-July 2, 1934, when most if not all of the leading members of the SA were killed, their throats cut by the SS and the Gestapo, the Nazi secret police; the SS became a powerful Nazi force that was responsible for many of the Nazi crimes against humanity during World War II; SS men wore black and brown uniforms; the 1934 mass extermination of the SA, called the Night of the Long Knives, was profiled in Luchino Visconti's 1969 film The Damned; Hitler was portrayed in many documentary films, and most notably in feature (drama or docudrama) films by Charles Chaplin (in caricature in a lampooning portrait) in the 1940 film The Great Dictator; by Billy Russell (not credited) in the 1940 film Night Train to Munich; by Bobby Watson in the 1942 film The Devil With Hitler; by Tom Dugan (impersonating Hitler) in the 1942 film To Be or Not to Be; by Hitler himself (in archive footage) in the 1943 film Mission to Moscow; by Bobby Watson again in the 1943 film Hitler: Dead or Alive; by Bobby Watson again in the 1943 film That Nazty Nuisance; by Ludwig Donath in the 1943 film The Strange Death of Adolf Hitler; by Bobby Watson again in the 1944 film The Hitler Gang; by V. Savelyov in the 1949 film The Fall of Berlin; by M. Astangov in the 1959 film The Battle of Stalingrad; by Luther Adler in the 1951 film The Desert Fox; by Luther Adler again in the 1951 film The Magic Face; by Albin Skoda in the 1955 film Ten Days to Die; by Bobby Watson again in the 1957 film The Story of Mankind; by Kenneth Griffith in the 1958 film The Two-Headed Spy; by Hitler himself (in archive footage at the launch of the German pocket battleship Bismarck) in the 1960 film Sink the Bismarck!; by Bobby Watson again in the 1961 film On the Double; by Richard Basehart in the 1962 film Hitler; by Billy Frick in the 1966 film Is Paris Burning?; by Rolf Stiefel in the 1969 film The Battle of Britain; by Fritz Dits in the 1969 film The Great Battle; by Sidney Miller in the 1970 film Which Way to the Front?; by Alex Guinness in the 1973 film Hitler: The Last Ten Days; by Gunnar Moller in the 1974 film Days of Betrayal; by Peter Sellers in the 1974 film Soft Beds, Hard Battles; by Helmut Qualtinger in the 1975 film Ice Age; by Kurt Raab in the 1977 film Adolf and Marlene; by Rolf Kanies in the 2002 made-for-TV film Joe and Max; by David Bamber in the 2008 film Valkyrie;

Category: World War II

Topic: Germany

Keywords: autocrats, Axis Powers, Black Shirts, Brown Shirts, crimes against humanity, dictators, fascism, fascists, films, Germans, Germany, Gestapo, motion pictures, movies, National Socialism, Nazi Germany, Nazi leaders, Nazi SA, Nazi SS, Nazism, Nazis, paramilitary organizations, parades, politicians, rallies, Storm Troopers, terrorism, terrorist groups, Third Reich, tyrants, Weimar Republic, 1930s.

Orientation: Portrait

Dimensions: 2550 x 3509 (8.95 MPixels) (1.38)

Print Size: 21.6 x 29.7 cm; 8.5 x 11.7 inches

File Size: 25.63 MB (26,872,148 Bytes)

Resolution: 300 x 300 dpi

Color Depth: 16.7 million (24 BitsPerPixel)

Compression: None

Image Number: 0000011044

Source: Jay Robert Nash Collection

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